First, I will go quite a while back. The Chris Walla solo album, Field Manual, was the first in this line. The songwriting is nothing short of amazing. "Sing Again," "Geometry &c.," and "St. Modesto" were three of the best songs on Field Manual.
Next, Sun Kil Moon's new album, April, came out. The dark and dreary sound of the album does not hinder it from being simply superb. The feel of April is a reminiscent one. It is also a testament to the genius that is the music of singer-songwriter Mark Kozelek. It is hard for one not to fall into a world that radiates of a more simplistic and natural existence. The imagery that April is one that takes over the imagination. "Lost Verses," "Unlit Hallway," the dark and foreboding "Heron Blue," "Tonight The Sky," and "Moorestown"are some of the can't miss songs of this album. My advice is to just press play and fade into the world that is April.
I feel that this is enough rambling for the moment. I hope those are a little helpful. Don't let great music pass you by.